
What is Emple-Arte?

Emple-Arte is a project that works alongside people in long-term unemployment with the aim of improving their access to employment through art.

Long-term unemployment hits more vulnerable groups particularly hard. In addition, periods of unemployment tend to last a long time, generating feelings of hopelessness and demotivation while looking for work. 

Intervention through art is proving itself to be a useful tool for personal growth, empowerment and social change. It can also be a great strategy for improving access to employment.

At Emple-Arte, we design projects based on people's real needs in order to improve their social inclusion through employment.

Emple-Arte is funded as a social innovation project by the European Social Fund within the Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Social Economy (POISES), in its Priority area 6. It is also co-financed by the Extremadura Government through the Extremadura Public Employment Service; The Cabildo de Tenerife through Fundación Insular para la Formación, el Empleo y el Desarrollo Empresarial (FIFEDE); the Government of Castilla La Mancha through the Economy, Business and Employment Department; the Government of Galicia through the Employment and Equality Department; the Provincial Government of Bizkaia through the Provincial Agency for Employment and Entrepreneurship of the Department of Employment, Social Inclusion and Equality; and the Fuenlabrada city council by the Centre for Training and Employment Initiatives (Centro de Iniciativas para la Formación y el Empleo). 

What is Emple-Arte?


The main objective of the project is to design, test and share start-up and job methodologies for the benefit of people in long-term unemployment, based on their specific needs, through creative processes involving different artistic disciplines.

What we do

We explore reality
Improving access to employment through artistic intervention is an innovative strategy, in which we like to analyse the experiences that are already working under this same objective so as to improve the process even further. During our investigations, we also incorporate perspectives from various agents involved in the issue of long-term unemployment, such as guidance professionals, experts in the field and people in long-term unemployment.

We propose solutions through art
Theatre, photography, dance, music, audiovisual media, literature... Each of these types of artistic expression can help improve access to employment for people who have become disconnected from the labour market. Based on our research results, we design solutions adapted to people's needs.

We extract lessons from our proposals
By implementing our research results through the pilot projects, we analyse and incorporate best practices. This way, we can offer intervention methodologies that improve people's social and employment situation by measuring the results obtained in the pilot projects and incorporating improvements.

We promote the experience
We rely on collaboration from different agents, entities, research groups, groups and experts by promoting the project and the experiences gained.

What we do